ICICI Lombard Hospicash Riders

Specially designed to protect you and your family against wage loss in event of hospitalisation due to specific diseases.

We have four options carefully chosen for you:

The premium slabs including tax are as follows: 

  Mandatory Benefit Optional Benefit Premium
Base Cover Hospicash & Personal Accident   Rs. 400
Option 1: Hospicash & Personal Accident All three benefits have to be opted for:
  • Vector Borne Disease Benefit
  • Broken Bones Benefit
  • Parental Care Benefit
Rs. 600
Option 2: Hospicash & Personal Accident All four benefits have to be opted for:
  • Vector Borne Disease Benefit
  • Broken Bones Benefit
  • Parental Care Benefit
  • Children’s Education Grant Benefit (1)
Rs. 750
Option 3: Hospicash & Personal Accident All four benefits have to be opted for:
  • Vector Borne Disease Benefit
  • Broken Bones Benefit
  • Parental Care Benefit
  • Children’s Education Grant Benefit (2)
Rs. 950

P.S. Please note that Broken Bones and Parental Care Benefit cannot be chosen as standalone options.  

Age: The policy can be sold to customer with age from 20 years to 55 years.  

Policy Term: This policy will be valid for 1 year. 


Covers Benefits Conditions
Hospicash a) Rs. 1000 per day for 30 days
  • Minimum 24 hour hospitalization is mandatory for the benefit to be payable
  • No waiting period
  • Pre-Existing diseases are covered
Personal Accident b) Rs. 1 lakh on accidental death
c) Rs. 1 lakh on permanent total disability
  • Accidental death sum insured or permanent disability sum insured is payable if an insured person suffers from an injury due to an accident that occurs during the period of cover and that injury solely and directly results in the insured person’s death or permanent total disability within 365 days from the date of the accident.
Vector Borne Disease Benefit d) Rs. 15,000 on diagnosis of diseases, specifically Malaria, Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala Azar, Chikunguniya and Filariasis which requires the insured to be hospitalized during the period of cover. e) Rs. 1 lakh if death occurs due to Malaria, Dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala Azar, Chikunguniya and Filariasis within 15 days from the first laboratory diagnosis of the insured contracting the specific vector borne disease.
  • The Hospitalization is for Medically Necessary Treatment of the Specific Vector Borne Disease or Malaria and is commenced and continued on the written advice of the treating Medical Practitioner. (ONLY for Benefit (d))
  • The Insured Person’s stay in the Hospital should continue for a minimum period of 48 successive hours. (ONLY for Benefit (d))
  • No benefit shall be payable if the Insured Person is Hospitalized due to Specific Vector Borne Disease or Malaria within a period of 30 days from the commencement of the Period of Cover.
  • No benefit shall be payable if the Specific Vector Borne Disease or Malaria is first diagnosed prior to the commencement of the period of cover.
Broken Bones Disease Benefit g) Upto Rs. 10,000 benefit provided depending on which body part has been fractured. (Percentage of) Sum Insured payable if an Insured Person suffers an injury due to an Accident that occurs during the Period of Cover and that solely, directly and immediately results in a fracture. The sum insured payable depends on the body part which is fractured. The percentage amount is set out at the end of this note.
Parental Care h) Rs. 1 lakh is given solely to parents on death or permanent disability of policyholder.
For example, if the policy holder has provided his wife as the nominee, then Rs. 1 lakh will be provided to the wife and Rs. 1 lakh will be provided to the parents if this option has been chosen. If the policy holder has chosen one of his parents as his nominee, then the parent would receive Rs. 2 lakhs as benefit.
The sum insured is payable to the surviving parents of an insured person if the insured person suffers an injury due to an accident that occurs during the period of cover and solely and directly results in the insured person’s death or permanent total disablement.


Covers Exclusions
  • Any physical, medical or mental condition or treatment or service which is specifically excluded in the Policy Certificate under Special Condition
  • Any Hospitalization falling within the Waiting Period as specified in the Policy Certificate
  • Any treatment received outside India unless specifically covered and specified in the Policy Certificate
  • Circumcision unless necessary for treatment of an underlying diseases
  • Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy and its related complication, childbirth including caesarean section
  • Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempt to suicide
  • Any Injury / Illness occurring whilst working in underground mines or explosives magazines, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply
Personal Accident
  • War, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities or warlike operations or civil commotion or rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, arrests, detainments of all kinds and political gathering
  • Any Injury sustained while performing duty in army, navy, air force, paramilitary force, police or any other such institution
  • Breach of law or while being involved in any unlawful activity
  • Any Injury / Illness arising from intentional self- Injury, suicide or attempted suicide
  • Any Injury / Illness arising whilst under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating drugs or substance abuse of any kind
  • Any Injury / Illness occurring whilst working in underground mines or explosives magazines, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply, or as jockeys or circus personnel
  • Any Accidental Injury / Illness directly or indirectly caused by venereal disease or insanity or mental, nervous or emotional disorder
  • Injury sustained whilst engaging in Adventure Sports
  • Any injury that has occurred prior to the commencement of Policy Cover whether or not the same has been treated, or medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been sought
Vector Borne Disease Benefit
Broken Bones Disease Benefit
Parental Care Benefit

 Risk Cover/Waiting Period:

The risk cover will start from T+3 days. The waiting period will start from T+3 and will last for 30 days.

*Broken Bones Benefit: The benefit is dependent on the body part which is fractured. The percentage of sum insured payable is set out below:

Sr. No. Region Fracture % of Sum Insured payable
1. Skull Compound fractures of skull with damage to the brain tissue 100%
All other fractures 75%
2. Lower jaw Multiple fractures (at least one compound fracture) 75%
Compound fracture 50%
All other fractures 25%
3. Shoulder blade, kneecap, sternum, hand (excluding fingers and wrist), foot (excluding toes and heel) Multiple fractures (at least one compound fracture) 75%
Compound fracture 50%
All other fractures 25%
4. Upper arm (including elbow and wrist) Multiple fractures (at least one compound fracture) 75%
Colles type fracture (compound) 50%
All other fractures 25%
5. Spinal Cord All compression fractures 30%
All spinous, transverse process or pedicle fractures 25%
All other vertebral fractures 20%
6. Rib or ribs, cheekbone, coccyx, upper jaw, nose, toe and toes, finger or fingers Multiple fractures (at least one compound) 50%
Compound fracture 25%
All other fractures 20%
7. Thigh or Heel Multiple fractures (at least one compound) 50%
Compound fracture 25%
All other fractures 20%
8. Hip or pelvis (excluding thigh or coccyx): Multiple fractures (at least one compound) 50%
Compound fracture 25%
All other fractures 20%
9. Lower leg, clavicle, ankle Multiple fractures (at least one compound) 50%
Compound fracture 25%
All other fractures 20%

Now, we have introduced value added offering for our customers of enrolling for Hospicash insurance (base product) while opening Shubh Account. A customer may opt for the value added offering by providing his/her consent for the same.

Policy Renewal through SMS

Now, Fino Payments Bank Savings Account and Current Account customers can themselves opt for renewing their Hospicash with Rider insurance policies by sending SMS RENEWto 8506978686 from their registered mobile numbers. Prior to 30 days of the policy expiry, SMS notification shall be sent to the customers with the exact amount which they need to maintain in their accounts for Policy Renewal. Once the policy is expired and the SMS is received from the customer to renew his/her existing policy, the policy shall be renewed within T+1 day (T being the policy expiry day). Customer shall receive SMS confirmation with Fino’s Internet Banking link. The customer may log into the Internet Banking with his/her credentials and find the policy Certificate of Insurance (COI) there.

Fill up the form below to apply for ICICI Lombard Hospicash Riders

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