It’s a term used to describe innocent victims duped by fraudsters into laundering stolen/illegal money via their bank account. Fraudsters send attractive offers of earning additional income, some lottery wins, and loans at cheaper rates to get your bank account details and use it for illegal money transfers. When such incidents are reported, money mules becomes the target of the police investigation.
- Be cautious about any unsolicited offers or opportunities offering you easy money or jobs with work-at-home and flexi-time facilities.
- Do not engage in bids for lending your bank account for use by strangers.
- Use the official mobile banking app.
- Set mPIN/passwords which are strong and keep changing them regularly.
- Install anti-virus software on your mobile handset to protect against viruses. If already installed, then ensure its updating on a timely manner.
- Remove all the temporary internet files after using mobile banking services.
- Install a firewall on your mobile handset or enable the same if your handset comes with a firewall.
- Do not open attachments or links from unknown sources. This helps in protection from viruses or other unwanted problems.
- Update to latest version of Mobile banking app whenever it is available in relevant App store.
It’s a fraudulent attempt, usually by sending emails, pop up etc to obtain customers sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, card details etc.
- Never click on links shared over emails to get to bank login page.
- Never respond to pop up messages asking to fill in your personal information.
- Never reply to e-mails asking for passwords, pins etc.
It’s a form of phishing attempts where the fraudster uses the telephone instead of email to scam the user in surrendering their personal details.
- Never give your PIN, URN or other bank account details on an unsolicited phone call.
It’s an act of stealing information through magnetic strip on the cards that are used at ATM kiosks and merchant establishments. Skimmers use a small device that stores information contained in this magnetic trip. A tiny strategically positioned camera could be used to capture your PIN.
- Keep your card in view when you give it for payment at merchant establishments, to ensure that it is not swiped on multiple devices.
- Register for SMS alerts to keep track of your card transactions.
- Make sure you collect your card immediately after every transaction.
Trojan is a type of malware that disguises itself as a normal file or program to trick users into downloading and installing malware. After it is installed and activated, Trojan attacks the computer leading to deletion of files, data theft, or activation/spread of viruses. Trojans can also create back doors to give access to hackers.
- Never open e-mails or download attachments from unknown senders.
- Ensure your computer has updated OS, antivirus and firewall installed.
Identity theft means when a fraudster steals your identity and uses it to get loans, credit card, account opening or other services. They can access your details via Phishing, Vishing, Smishing or anyother means.
- Take care with your various different proofs of identity.
- Immediately report the loss or theft of your proof of identity to the police.
- Never share your personal information with a stranger or any third party, posing as bank representative.
- Update your bank records whenever you change your contact numbers, address or email ID